Having no TV reception at our house we relay on Eugene public library for movies. But we also subscribe to Netflix which deliver the movies right to your mailbox. I go to the website, make my choices and the movies arrive within 2 days. Great selection, many different plans from 4.99 and up. Once you set up an account you can switch the plan easily. We use the 3-at-the-time plan but if we find that we don't watch the movies right away we change the plan for a few months. If you have fast speed internet you can watch movies instantly- anytime and as many as you want as part of your "unlimited" plan.
The shipping is free and the return fast. Once in a while a disc might be broken in the mail, just email a report and they will send a replacement. No questions asked. Also, sometimes a disc has scratches and might get stuck.
Netflix will send replacements if you ask them. We've used Netflix for many years. TV series, new movies and foreign films are our most rented items. Easy to sign up, easy to cancel.
Nothing to loose.
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